The Poetic Webworks Blog
Design, Development, CSS, and SEO
WordPress robots.txt example for great SEO
Click here to view the original article. The robots.txt file is a very powerful file if you’re working on a site’s SEO. At the same time, it also has to be used with care. It allows you to deny search engines access to certain files and folders,...
How to Disable the WordPress API, AKA JSON REST API
If you aren’t a developer but you manage your own WordPress installation, this article about WordPress JSON REST API (aka WP API) is meant for you.
Deep Learning Keywords in Google’s RankBrain and Bing
You want to understand how Google’s RankBrain affects your website’s search rankings. There’s no shortage of information. If anything, there’s too much.
Main Features of the WordPress 4.7 Update
A brief explanation about the changes for my clients and curated additional information valuable to someone interested in the technical details.
SVG Isn’t Just SVG
There’s one great reason to use SVG even though you have an HTML / CSS solution: Scalability. Chris Coyier’s introductory tutorial will give you a head start.
Styling for Print
Despite a cascade of writing across the web about user centered design, little attention is devoted to setting up web pages for print.
A Curated Selection of 17 Top SEO Blogs
This useful and comprehensive list of high-quality online marketing information sources is a must-read for anyone who wants their website to be a traffic magnet.
Pure CSS Horizontal Scrolling
In a guest post, Pieter Biesemans displays a clever trick to force straight CSS to do something it isn’t designed for: horizontal scrolling.
Experimenting with Color Fonts
There are some exciting font developments that can add nuances of color to typefaces on the web. While many issues remain to be worked out
Full Width Header With Image Examples
Full width headers can be placed anywhere on the page, and you can add as many as you want. Here are a few examples of what you can do. The possibilities are endless.